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Experiment. Fail. Repeat: Tales + Advice from MoGraph Heroes

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Over 80 motion design heroes share their insights and inspiration in this free 250+ page ebook.

What if you could sit down and have coffee with your favorite motion designer?

That was the thought process behind one of the biggest projects in School of Motion history.

A while back the team came up with an idea that was too good to pass up - What if we personally asked some of the biggest motion designers in the world to share their insights with the community? Moreover, what if we collected those responses and organized them into an ebook to give away fo' FREE?

By using a series of questions, we were able to organize insights from some of the most successful motion designers in the world into easy-to-digest knowledge nuggets (yummy). This is truly a project that couldn’t have happened without the incredible collaborative culture across the motion design community. Enough chit-chat, let’s get to the book…

EXPERIMENT. FAIL. REPEAT: Tales & Advice from Mograph Heros

This 250+ page ebook is a deep-dive into the minds of 86 of the biggest motion designers in the world. The premise was actually pretty simple. We asked some of the artists the same 7 questions:

  1. What advice do you wish you had known when you first started motion design?
  2. What is a common mistake that new motion designers make?
  3. What’s the most useful tool, product, or service you use that’s not obvious to motion designers?
  4. In 5 years, what’s one thing that will be different about the industry?
  5. If you could put a quote on the After Effects or Cinema 4D splash screen, what would it say?
  6. Are there any books or films that have influenced your career or mindset?
  7. What’s the difference between a good motion design project and a great one?

We then took the answers and organized them into an easy-to-digest format along with artwork from some of their most recognizable projects.

Artist Bio Layout for Experiment Fail Repeat.png
You're probably going to recognize a lot of the artwork in this book.

We also asked the artists to share their favorite artist or studio and their favorite motion design project (if they could answer such a difficult question).

Written by the World's Most Prominent Motion Designers

We couldn’t believe how many incredible artists contributed their insights to the book. Like we said before, 86 MoGraph heroes submitted their contributions. It would be crazy to list them all here, but here are just a few of the artists that collaborated on this project:

  • Nick Campbell
  • Ariel Costa
  • Lilian Darmono
  • Bee Grandinetti
  • Jenny Ko
  • Andrew Kramer
  • Raoul Marks
  • Sarah Beth Morgan
  • Erin Sarofsky
  • Ash Thorp
  • Mike Winkelmann (Beeple)

And that is only a small selection!

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The book includes motion designers from the biggest studios in the world including Buck, Giant Ant, Animade, MK12, Ranger & Fox, Antibody, Cub Studio, and more! These artists have worked for huge clients including Google, Apple, Marvel, and Nike, among countless others...

In each chapter you’ll find the artist’s name, studio, a link to their work, a short bio, their answers, and artwork.

In the back of the book you’ll also find a bonus appendix section with an organized collection of the responses, with recommendations for books, films, artists, directors, studios, authors, and tools. We even let you know how many times an inspiration piece appeared in the book. What is the most popular book among motion design celebrities? You’re about to find out.


Again, this incredible project wouldn’t have happened without the amazing support of the entire motion design community. We can’t say ‘thank you’ enough to all of the talented MoGraph heroes who contributed to this book. Motion design is an exciting artistic journey, hopefully this book helps you get one step closer to achieving your MoGraph dreams.

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