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10 Hacky After Effects Tricks to Improve your Renders

Here are 10 After Effects tricks that you might not admit to using, but that work really well.

Every once in a while you just gotta get it out the door. You don't have time to finesse the design or do some fancy animation, you just need results... and fast. Here are 10 tricks that After Effects artists have been using for years to plus any render.

Wanna become an After Effects wizard?

If you're looking to use After Effects professionally, it really helps to learn how professional artists use it, how they set up projects, and how they approach structuring animation projects. If you're ready to go to the next level with your After Effects skills, check out After Effects Kickstart. In this 8-week interactive bootcamp, you and your classmates from all over the world will learn from an award winning animation director, Nol Honig. This course has supercharged the careers of thousands of artists, and the next session is just around the corner!

Check out After Effects Kickstart and register for the next session!

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