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Strong design is the foundation of all great work. Software skills don't mean much if you don't practice composition, typography, color theory, and other time-tested principles.

2d animation

2D Animation

Knowing how to use After Effects isn't enough to make beautiful movement. You need to learn the animation principles that have guided animators for decades.

3d animation

3D Animation

3D software provides almost infinite creative capabilities, but can be daunting to master. It's worth the effort, however, and the career opportunities are boundless.

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professional curriculum at your pace
An icon showing students learning online

Cohort-Based Learning

Join artists from around the world on our custom learning platform. Never learn alone, as you’ll have immediate access to a forum of fellow students to share work, ask questions, and improve together.

Exercises & Project Files for Every Lesson

Each course comes packed with free project files, assets, and additional material to keep you learning and growing long after the course ends. Our exercises are designed from real world briefs, so you’re learning the skills you need to excel on your next project or venture.

Technical & Creative Support Along the Way

You’ll be assigned a Teaching Assistant with years of experience in your chosen course. They’ll provide technical and creative feedback to guide you through new skills, improve your techniques, and provide encouragement along your journey.

Verified Credential Upon Course Completion

Completing a course isn’t just about bragging rights. Once you’ve completed at least 70% of your work in a given course, you’ll earn a verified credential that can show current and future employers exactly what you’ve accomplished.

Our alumni work at companies like

Over 17,500 students learning in more than 150 countries

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don’t just take our word for it
A man with glasses
A woman with curly hair
A man with a dotted shirt and a beard
A man with glasses and a beard
An intense looking man with a beard
A smiling woman with long, dark hair
A smiling woman in a pink top
A man with glasses
A woman with long, curly hair
A smiling man with a blue shirt and sandy hair
A smiling young woman with long hair
A man in a yellow hat with a beard

Design &
Training for

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