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3D Character Design in Adobe Illustrator

Taking Your 2D Vector Art into the realm of 3D has never been easier!

Turn your 2D art into 3D!  In this video you will see how easy it is to turn 2D vector art into 3D character designs in Adobe Illustrator!  Learn how to map 2D textures onto your 3D models in Illustrator and discover how to export your 3D character to other 3D applications like Adobe Stager, Blender or Cinema 4D. 3D is a super important skill to learn and Illustrator makes it easy for any 2D artist to enter the world of 3D.

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FREE Adobe Illustrator and C4D Files
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Learn 3D Art and Design like a Pro

Are you interested in learning Cinema 4D, but not sure how to start? We highly recommend taking Cinema 4D Basecamp.