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Cinema 4D 2023's New Cloth System is AMAZING!

Cinema 4D 2023's new cloth system is amazing.

There, we said it. It's out there now. Cinema 4D artists have often looked longingly at Houdini's Vellum system, which is capable of creating some beautiful simulations and very natural results. In previous versions of C4D, the cloth dynamics have been a bit difficult to use and unpredictable, but now... that's all changed.

Download EJ's project file below

Free Cinema 4D Cloth Project File
Download EJ's Cloth Setup Here!
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What you'll learn:

  • Getting Started with Cinema 4D 2023's new cloth system
  • Scene Settings
  • Using Particle Forces with Cloth
  • Adding Thickness to Cloth
  • The importance of Scene Scale
  • Cloth Parameters
  • Using the Friction Force
  • Using a Rotation Force to Twist Cloth
  • Field Force Uses
  • Cloner + Cloth = Awesome
  • Getting a more fluid simulation

Ready to become a Cinema 4D expert?

Tutorials can only take you so far. When you're ready to go to the next level, check out Cinema 4D Basecamp. This 12-week interactive bootcamp will teach you everything you need to know to get started in the world of 3D and motion design. Taught by EJ Hassenfratz (the guy from the tutorial you just watched), this class has already helped thousands of artists all over the world gain their 3D wings. Check it out!