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How To Use Track Mattes in After Effects

Learn How To Use The New and Improved Track Matte Feature in AE 2023

Track mattes are a super-powerful After Effects feature that may not be widely understood by a lot of users, but at least for you, that changes today. The 2023 update to After Effects made track mattes friendlier to use and much more versatile, so if ever there was a time to start using track mattes, that time is now.

Don’t know the difference between a mask and a matte? Never had to worry about an alpha channel or luminance values? We’ve got you covered! Join us on a matte-tastic journey through what a matte is, why you should use it, and all the creative ways you can take advantage of this cool tool in your own work.

Download The Free After Effects Project Below!

Free After Effects 2023 Track Matte Project
Follow along with this project file - requires AE 2023
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